How Can We Help Archives - Advanced Muscle Therapy Say Goodbye to Pain Mon, 11 Dec 2023 18:48:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How Can We Help Archives - Advanced Muscle Therapy 32 32 Myofascial Release Mon, 11 Dec 2023 18:48:41 +0000 Myofascial release is a therapeutic technique gaining recognition for its profound impact on alleviating pain, enhancing mobility, and improving overall well-being. It focuses on the fascia, a connective tissue web that surrounds and supports muscles, bones, nerves, and organs throughout the body. This technique involves applying gentle, sustained pressure to specific points on the body […]

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Myofascial release is a therapeutic technique gaining recognition for its profound impact on alleviating pain, enhancing mobility, and improving overall well-being. It focuses on the fascia, a connective tissue web that surrounds and supports muscles, bones, nerves, and organs throughout the body.

This technique involves applying gentle, sustained pressure to specific points on the body to release tension and tightness within the fascia. By targeting areas of restriction, myofascial release aims to restore elasticity and flexibility to the fascia, facilitating better movement and reducing discomfort.

The benefits of myofascial release are manifold. It aids in breaking down scar tissue, enhancing blood flow, and promoting relaxation of the muscles. Many individuals seek this therapy for relief from chronic pain conditions, such as fibromyalgia or lower back pain, finding significant improvements in their symptoms and overall quality of life.

Moreover, myofascial release isn’t confined to physical benefits alone; it can also have a positive impact on one’s mental and emotional state. The release of tension within the fascia can induce a sense of relaxation and well-being, reducing stress and anxiety levels.

In conclusion, myofascial release stands as a valuable therapeutic approach, addressing both physical discomfort and promoting holistic wellness. Its gentle yet effective methodology makes it a promising avenue for those seeking relief from various musculoskeletal issues while enhancing their overall health.

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Do you have Tennis Elbow? Tue, 17 Oct 2023 12:33:57 +0000 Do you have tennis elbow.. or have you been winning as often as Carlos Alcaraz? You may ask, “what does winning like Carlos Alcaraz and Tennis Elbow have in common?”.. Sit back and I will explain! As many times as he pumps his fist during a tournament, he is bound to at some point injure […]

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Do you have tennis elbow.. or have you been winning as often as Carlos Alcaraz?

You may ask, “what does winning like Carlos Alcaraz and Tennis Elbow have in common?”.. Sit back and I will explain! As many times as he pumps his fist during a tournament, he is bound to at some point injure that elbow.

All kidding aside, and the fact I think he pumps his fist too much during a match, what can I do to guard against Tennis Elbow? The diagnosis you will receive from a doctor would be lateral epicondylitis. The over-use of the elbow without sufficient strength is the culprit. Over-use happens when you do too much of one thing without the proper strengthening needed to do the action consistently. Too much tennis, too many days a week, week arms. The pain comes and goes at first, we have all felt it. That’s the point to do something about it. Most folks wait until the elbow hurts so bad that it keeps them awake at night. At that point it takes many more sessions and much more time to clear the problem. So, what can I do to help guard against tennis elbow.

  1. After playing, ice if needed. Stretch properly.

  2. Limit time playing until a proper strengthening program has been devised.

  3. Pay attention to your racket, which could be causing some of the issues

    1. Weight – Don’t use rackets less than 11 oz.

    2. Balance – Don’t use racket that are Head heavy

    3. Stiffness – String your strings properly. Your coach will have a better idea what weight to string your racket

    4. Length – Keep your racket length under 27.5 inches

  4. Finally: Do not pump your fist at every point of every game of every set of every match.

A couple of fist pumps a match is sufficient, unless of course you are Carlos Alcaraz!

ADVERTISEMENT: If the pain persists then let Advanced Muscle Therapy have a look at it. We have the tools and knowledge to get you back on the court. Active Release Techniques – a state of the art soft tissue therapy program, Piezo Wave – Our Shock wave machine that blast scar tissue to smithereens, and FaStR – myofascial release with effective stretching to help maintain flexibility and strength however much you want to play.

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What’s In Your Bag? Thu, 20 May 2021 12:38:25 +0000 You have obviously seen the commercial asking, “What’s in your wallet?”.  This is an interesting question if you are researching your doctor or your healthcare provider. So, what’s in my Bag? We are going to find out the best course of action between all healthcare providers when presented with the idea that we have some […]

The post What’s In Your Bag? appeared first on Advanced Muscle Therapy.

You have obviously seen the commercial asking, “What’s in your wallet?”.  This is an interesting question if you are researching your doctor or your healthcare provider. So, what’s in my Bag?

We are going to find out the best course of action between all healthcare providers when presented with the idea that we have some sort of muscle or joint pain, let’s say we have low back pain.  

Let’s see, let’s ask your primary care doctor what’s in their bag.  The answer, is…are you ready for this, a script pad.  Yep, about all we get from this line of defense is a script for further tests, more meds or maybe even physical therapy.  Will any of this help.  Let’s dive deeper.  More test, for what reason?  To make your wallet lighter.  How about medications.  Sure these may hide the pain but the problem still exists and the meds usually make you sleepy.  Physical therapy, good referral, however, the PT profession is overworked now and is it really necessary to send someone with tennis elbow, or running injuries or even low back pain.  Don’t get me wrong, someone has to be able to direct the flow of health care and who better than the doctor with many years of education and of course, a script pad.

  1. Let’s say you get a script for more tests.  It’s your low back.  80% of the adult population will at some point experience low back pain.  What test, initially, will tell you exactly what’s wrong.  All tests will be inconclusive at this time.

How about medications?  These may work in reducing the level of pain; however, they will not repair or make movement any easier.  Typically, you will get anti-inflammatories and/or muscle relaxers. Short term results along with drowsiness.

You get a script for orthopedic or physical therapy to help decide why your back hurts.  Well, not a totally bad suggestion, but you have to ask yourself, self, do I really need to go to an orthopedist for my back?  The only thing he has in his tool box is maybe a scalpel.  Let’s look at the physical therapist, they are the busiest of all healthcare providers.  Do we really need to tie up their time with low back issues that may clear up in several days?

So, who do we go see?  It has to be someone who has a bag of stuff.  A bag full of things that have been used successfully time and time again.  A chiropractor.  No.  They just crack your bones and hope the muscles listen.  But you are told your vertebrae is out of alignment.  What took it out of alignment, if it can truly be out of alignment?  The muscles.  Great answer.  So why see a chiro for a muscle issue.  You don’t!  You go see the guy who has the big bag.

When I got started in muscle therapy, I realized early on, that one modality does not make me successful, and in order for me to be successful I have to have answers to your pain.  So, I set out to discover all the things that assist me every day in all musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction.  I hope you understand what I am trying to say here today, that, educating yourself of all healthcare types and professions will help you make a better decision when you need it.  I will finish with the things we do at AMT.  You will be glad you called us to help with muscle and joint pain.  I told you I have a “Big Bag”.

Get to know more about our team!

The post What’s In Your Bag? appeared first on Advanced Muscle Therapy.
