Holidays Archives - Advanced Muscle Therapy Say Goodbye to Pain Mon, 16 Oct 2023 17:20:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Holidays Archives - Advanced Muscle Therapy 32 32 No Good Deed Goes Unpunished Mon, 21 Dec 2020 17:11:20 +0000 Twas the week and a few days before Christmas when…Twas…Yes of course, when else but this time of year can you use this word. I could have started this story with, It was, but would I have gotten your attention? So, I begin again. Twas a week and a few days before Christmas and all […]

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Twas the week and a few days before Christmas when…Twas…Yes of course, when else but this time of year can you use this word. I could have started this story with, It was, but would I have gotten your attention? So, I begin again. Twas a week and a few days before Christmas and all had calmed for the night, when I got a call from my 91-year-old Dad, explaining he had a water break and it was bad. He said it had damaged the carpet in his dining room and the carpet needed to be removed. He sounded winded from trying to do it himself. I said, “Dad, leave it till tomorrow and I will be over to help.” All was as planned as I removed the carpet and pad, until the last row of pad needed to be removed it proved to be a little tougher and I tugged even harder. The pad suddenly let go and as I hurtled through the air, my mind went into action. Thinking I still had the speed and agility I had while playing centerfield in college, I began to shift to catch myself on my out stretched arm. My mind may still be swift, but the 61-year-old body does not handle the sudden stop at the end of the fall as well as it did 40 years ago. As soon as I hit I knew something was wrong. I wanted to laugh because of my clumsy fall, but alas, I knew something was wrong. I hoped that I had broken my arm because all other injuries would have been worse. I sprang to my feet knowing I needed an x-ray to find what was wrong. My father had seen the whole thing and was concerned as I told him I would be back, that I was headed to Amelia Express to get an x-ray. It was a five-minute ride and a five-minute wait before I could get the images Dr Jake needed, to confirm, that I had not broken my arm. Not the news I needed to hear. A few days later I went for an MRI and it proved what I really did not want to hear. I had completely pulled the triceps tendon from the elbow. You know, I know muscle! This was not good. In all the years I have been doing muscle therapy I can’t remember ever anyone injuring only their tricep. So, I go to Google to see what I have gotten myself into. It’s not good. A couple of sites say this could be a career ending injury for a pro ball player and the rehab could take longer than usual. So, I prepared to see Dr. Taormina a few days later. As I waited in the treatment room I could hear footsteps in the hall, was he here to tell me nothing was wrong. Dr. Taormina confirmed what I knew to be fact and he also confirmed that I needed surgery if I was ever to come back. He explained the process and showed me the picture, he would be using a technique that looked like needle point with a lot of sutures. *(I have included one for your viewing pleasure) As I patiently wait for that surgery day to arrive, I have decided to let you guys in on the ride. Look for a post every few days to give you some insight on how the surgery goes, how I feel and when therapy starts I will let you know.

Surgery in two days, the countdown begins…

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A Sound Choice For a New Year’s Resolution Wed, 04 Dec 2019 16:04:36 +0000 So, you have finished your rehab with your physical therapists and they have recommended that you begin a workout program so you can continue rehabilitating your injury and begin strengthening other areas of the body that you have been neglecting for years. Chances are it...

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So, you have finished your rehab with your physical therapists and they have recommended that you begin a workout program so you can continue rehabilitating your injury and begin strengthening other areas of the body that you have been neglecting for years. Chances are it was your de-conditioned and neglected body that helped position you for the injury that sent you to physical therapy in the first place.

Now is a great time to begin a new fitness conditioning program, seeing as how it is the first of the year and you have made it an unkept resolution for the past twenty or thirty years! This time it needs to happen. Your body is telling you it needs fitness or it will continue to bug you with little nagging injuries until finally you will be in the doctor’s office more than you will be out to dinner. You may have already begun hearing talk of dire ailments that may lurk in your future. Have you noticed each time you and your friends get together the conversation always turns to an illness or injury that someone has experienced lately? Your medicine cabinet is starting to fill up with of all things, medicine? Medicine for all the muscular aches and pains you have been experiencing.

A little understanding about this body you live in is what you need. The human body is made for movement, although we do move, we do not move enough and we move in faulty movement patterns. It is these faulty movement patterns that begin our demise. As Shirley Sahrmann, PT says, “our body follows the laws of physics in that it takes the path of less resistance in movement.” Just simple activities of daily living, like sitting, standing, walking can contribute to our aches and pains, but it is the path of less resistance that gives us a problem. When sitting we slouch, when standing we fidget from side to side, and when we walk, well, everything hurts so we change our walking gait so much it develops other pain syndromes.

It is the poor movement patterns and lack of conditioning that contribute to America’s health care crisis, but that is a story for another day. Today we talking about your resolve to get fit and how not to get injured.

“Repetitive Strain” – you have heard this phrase used with respect to every facet of our lives, from the news, the office, infomercials, late night TV shows. What is it? It is also called “Cumulative Trauma Disorder” (CTD), a major problem in the workforce and in everyday life. CTD refers to injuries to muscles, tendons, bones, blood, vessels, and/or nerves. Your low back did not just get injured spontaneously or your rotator cuff suddenly become painful when raising your arm; odds are it all began years ago with poor posture and faulty movement patterns. With each day bringing new aches and pains, where will you be next year at this time?
Fitness training can provide an answer to that question! Why fitness training? Because training new movement patterns will induce the appropriate muscular and biomechanical adaptations that will reinforce the development of optimal neuromuscular action. However, not just any movement pattern training will do this. The training should be done under professional supervision, using principles that are biomechanically and functionally sound. Just going through the motions by yourself in the gym may not be your best solution. Many a poor movement pattern is created or reinforced in the gym and at this late stage of the game you cannot afford to make any mistakes!

What you may need is a Medical Exercise Specialist (MES) or Corrective Exercise Specialist (CES) who will instruct you in the more biomechanically and functionally correct movement patterns that will not only remove the pain and stiffness you are experiencing every day but also improve your strength, mental clarity, and your total well being. These results are all possible with exercise, but not just any exercise. Functionally correct exercise! So, go ahead and make that New Year’s Resolution and find the Personal Trainer with certifications as a MES or CES who will enable you to get your life back. What can it hurt? You may actually enjoy keeping this resolution!

Larry Ogilvie

Start your new year off right with Advanced Muscle Therapy. Contact us here!

Physical therapy areas of the body

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Thanksgiving Wed, 20 Nov 2019 20:45:12 +0000 Gratitude. Appreciation. Gratefulness. These are the words that always appear this time of year. In all our lives we have something or someone we are thankful for. I have so many things to be thankful for that I would bore you to death listing them all. What I will share with you is the gratitude […]

The post Thanksgiving appeared first on Advanced Muscle Therapy.

Gratitude. Appreciation. Gratefulness. These are the words that always appear this time of year. In all our lives we have something or someone we are thankful for. I have so many things to be thankful for that I would bore you to death listing them all. What I will share with you is the gratitude I have for everyone in my life and the ones who are yet to be in my life. Let me explain.

I am thankful for my family, as most of you are thankful for yours. My immediate family consists of my father, who is 90 years old and still as strong as the day he straightened out his jeep bumper by hand when I ran into a tree learning how to drive a stick shift at 12 years old. Then my sisters, different in every way except their love for our family, but that’s ok. We are all different in so many ways. My daughters, and I will include my wife’s daughters in this, are so special when it comes to the empathy and compassion they show to each other, and to all that cross their path. Now the husbands — I must say how thankful I am of them, because without them in my life I would have more people in my house than I need. No joke, these four guys could not have been hand-picked any better for our daughters. Now the little people — grandchildren! The most awesome thing in all God’s creation, grandchildren. These are the typical things to be thankful for. Now for more of the list.

In my muscle therapy practice, I get a chance to see a lot of people who are struggling with pain from sore muscles, painful joints, and such. I am so thankful for our therapists who help them through these issues. I get a chance to see our Parkinson’s clients and witness the positive impact our Rocksteady program has on them not only with their fitness and balance issues but their mental wellbeing as well. I get a chance to see these changes in people’s lives every day. That is what I am so thankful for. “Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference” is one of my favorite quotes from Winston Churchill. So today, be thankful for all you have and all you will have. After all, it is about attitude. Change your attitude, and you change your tomorrow!

The post Thanksgiving appeared first on Advanced Muscle Therapy.
