Fitness Archives - Advanced Muscle Therapy Say Goodbye to Pain Thu, 18 Jan 2024 12:55:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Fitness Archives - Advanced Muscle Therapy 32 32 Ten Most Common Reasons People Give Up on Their Fitness Goals Thu, 18 Jan 2024 12:54:08 +0000 Well, it is the second week of the new year. Are you still hanging on to those new years Resolutions you made? Especially the fitness ones. Being in the fitness and therapy business for over 40 years has given me insight into the reasons many people give up on their goals. For as many goals […]

The post Ten Most Common Reasons People Give Up on Their Fitness Goals appeared first on Advanced Muscle Therapy.

Well, it is the second week of the new year. Are you still hanging on to those new years Resolutions you made? Especially the fitness ones. Being in the fitness and therapy business for over 40 years has given me insight into the reasons many people give up on their goals. For as many goals are set there are that many and more reasons people give up on them. Here are just a few…

The ten most common reasons why people give up on their fitness goals:

1. **Lack of Motivation:** Sometimes, initial enthusiasm fades, and without consistent motivation, people struggle to keep going. A trainer can help solve this issue.

2. **Setting Unrealistic Goals:** Goals that are too ambitious or unattainable within a reasonable timeframe can lead to frustration and giving up. I find most people are like this. They want results and they want them yesterday, so, if they set these lofty goals and hit it hard everyday they will get there quicker. It doesn’t work like that. See next excuse.

3. **Not Seeing Immediate Results:** When the desired results don’t appear quickly, some individuals become discouraged and abandon their efforts.

4. **Overtraining/Burnout:** Pushing too hard or working out excessively without adequate rest can lead to burnout, causing people to lose interest.

5. **Injuries:** Physical setbacks or injuries can impede progress and demotivate individuals, leading them to abandon their fitness routines.

6. **Poor Time Management:** Balancing work, personal life, and fitness can be challenging. When people feel overwhelmed, they might give up on exercising altogether.

7. **Lack of Accountability/Support:** Without a support system or someone to hold them accountable, people might struggle to stay consistent with their fitness goals. Again, this is where a trainer would be so helpful.

8. **Monotonous Routine:** Doing the same exercises repeatedly can become boring, causing people to lose interest and abandon their fitness regimen. The human body is so adaptive to routines. They must be changed often.

9. **Unhealthy Eating Habits:** Poor diet choices can counteract the benefits of exercise, leading to frustration and a lack of progress.

10. **External Stressors:** Life events such as work stress, personal problems, or unexpected changes can divert focus away from fitness goals, making it easier to give up.

These ten reasons are just a small fraction of the reasons people give up on their fitness goals. Using a personal trainer can help alleviate most of these reasons. Keep in mind, please validate your trainer, to confirm they have the credentials needed to safely lead you into reaching your fitness goals.

Recognizing these common obstacles can help individuals prepare strategies to overcome them and stay committed to their fitness journey.

The post Ten Most Common Reasons People Give Up on Their Fitness Goals appeared first on Advanced Muscle Therapy.

What Does Fitness Mean to You? Fri, 03 Jan 2020 18:37:04 +0000 What does fitness mean to you? Wikipedia says it’s a general state of good health, usually as a result of exercise and nutrition. Fitness can mean a variety of things to different populations. For me, fitness means feeling good in my skin, being able to do anything I physically want to do, and feel great […]

The post What Does Fitness Mean to You? appeared first on Advanced Muscle Therapy.

What does fitness mean to you? Wikipedia says it’s a general state of good health, usually as a result of exercise and nutrition. Fitness can mean a variety of things to different populations. For me, fitness means feeling good in my skin, being able to do anything I physically want to do, and feel great when I do it. Looking in the mirror naked and liking what I see is important to me. It can be scary at first, but you should try it! Fit does not necessarily mean skinny.

I have trained lots of people over the last 38 years, this includes men, women, kids, ages 10-25, and seniors over 90. Fitness can mean being able to go up stairs without using the railing to finally being able to do a body weight pull-up. Both of these feats for some people can take months to accomplish, yet both feel just as awesome when the goal has been met.

It’s important to know what fitness means to you. You don’t have to be training for a triathlon, a marathon, or be a body builder to feel fit or have fitness goals.

Over the years I have had different fitness expectations of myself. One of my first goals in college was to not gain my “freshman 15.” I thought, “There is no way I will walk to class everyday up this huge hill to my dorm and still gain weight.” WRONG! I gained fifteen pounds and more. Poor eating and sleeping habits, drinking, and partying took me over the top! One of my next goals down the line was to train for the Gate River Run 15k road race. The goal was just to finish. Once I completed the training and the race, I realized running wasn’t for me. So, I moved on to other types of fitness and now I am hooked on tennis.

You can have so many different types of fitness goals.

I am a personal trainer. I should be “skinny” and muscular. Not everyone fits into the same mold. Not everyone is blessed with great genetics. Not everyone wants to eat perfectly clean all the time and not drink any alcohol to have the “perfect” or “ideal” body. What matters is that you take the best possible care of your body that you can. You only have one body for the rest of your life.

Do you feel great? Are you able to do most of the activities that you want to do in life? Do something physical everyday. Look in the mirror naked and if you aren’t quite sure if you like what you see, do something everyday to better your body or change the way you feel about yourself in a more positive light. Be good to yourself. Be what fitness means to you.

Get more fitness tips by checking out our blog!

The post What Does Fitness Mean to You? appeared first on Advanced Muscle Therapy.
